London Contemporary Voices

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Choir hire London! LCV is the leading non-traditional choir in London. Contemporary choir for hire - Christmas events, carol singing, entertainment, events, session singing, recording, gigs, shows, festivals, party hire, wedding hire, funerals, Christenings, birthdays, bar mitzvahs, flashmobs, launches, adverts, VIP entertainment, luxury entertainment, corporate hospitality, celebrity weddings, sporting events e.g. national anthem. All styles - gospel, pop, classical, traditional, jazz, a cappella. 



London Contemporary Voices is one of the most versatile choirs in the world, with a sought-after, contemporary sound. Available for bookings! We cover London, all areas of the UK and also work internationally.



London Contemporary Voices is one of the UK's leading choirs.

We produce our own concerts & artistic collaborations.

We provide choirs, session musicians & vocalists for live shows & recordings.

We work on campaigns & events with brands & private clients.


London Contemporary Voices with Florence + The Machine & The Jules Buckley Orchestra, BBC Proms, Royal Albert Hall 09/24

Aired on BBC 2 19/10/24, currently available on iPlayer. Symphony Of Lungs record out now. Photos by Andrew Paradise

Follow, tag & DM @LCVChoir